Health Effect of Consuming Honey

One of the most famous ingredients for healthy life is honey. It's been known for ages that consuming honey is beneficial to our body.

Health Benefit From Honey

So here is the effect of consuming honey for health :
  • Cleaning mucus or fluid in the respiratory tract, especially the lungs (very good for people with colds and coughs)
  • Prevent parasites and cleanse toxins, even prevent bleeding in the digestive tract.
  • Relieve breathing in the bronchitis area, very good for people with colds.
  • Make you a bit fat, but there's no surplus with the increase in body fat. It's just a process of honey cleaning the body. After a while, your body will shrink again.
  • Boosts the immune system against antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal diseases.
  • Help remove toxins, especially in the abdominal, intestine and other stomach.
  • Do excess air and it is very good to improve kidney function for frequent urination in the middle of the night.
  • Make skin more beautiful, clean, moist, tight and look youthful.

Simply mix 1 tablespoon honey original with one cup of warm water. Drinking warm warm air is better taken early in the morning when you wake up and in an empty stomach to help clear the digestive tract, warm the body, and give the body's initial energy to move.
Read More: Khasiat Tanaman


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